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Unlocking the Universe: The Power of Numbers and Vibrations

By Lori Marie

In our quest to understand the universe, humans have developed systems like language and mathematics. These systems, made up of words and numbers, are our tools for interpreting the frequencies, energies, and vibrations that permeate everything around us.

Numbers, like words, are omnipresent, carrying significant weight in our understanding of the world. Yet, they are often overlooked due to a societal apprehension towards mathematics. However, numbers are far from the complex beasts we made them out to be in algebra class. In fact, they hold keys to understanding the universe.

The brilliant inventor, Nikola Tesla, once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” This statement underscores the profound significance and utility of numbers.

While astrology holds a special place in my heart, I strongly advocate for the exploration of numerology. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone seeking deeper self-knowledge and a greater understanding of the world. Numerology allows you to decipher the energy of situations, entities, dwellings, and even the messages the universe sends your way. It’s a language unto itself, and mastering it opens up a whole new realm of understanding!

Interestingly, your birth name can also be translated into numbers. By applying the number system (explained below) to your birth name, you can calculate your “Expression” number. This number represents how your innate energy is projected into the world. It’s also known as your destiny number, as it’s a part of you from birth.

Even if you no longer use your birth name, its vibration continues to resonate with you. The name you currently use is equally important, as it represents the energy you’ve chosen to embody.

To find your expression number, assign each letter of your name a corresponding number using the system below. Add these numbers together, and voila, you’ve unlocked another piece of your cosmic puzzle!

EX: Lori Marie Silva


3 6 9 9 4 1 9 9 5 1 9 3 4 1 = 73 7+3= 10 1+0=1

My expression number is 1

You can use this system to add us the numbers to any word, name, entity, dwelling, title, or anything at all. Here what the vibration of each number means. People us this when naming their child, coming up with a brand for their company name, slogans, nick names, when deciding on where to live, book titles, etc. Keep in mind it also is the vibration for each letter it represents above. At this time you are using it to find your expression number by using your birth name but my hopes is you take it a step further and use it for so much more.

ONE - Independent, Goal Oriented, Innovative

One is self-sufficient and doesn't sit around waiting for opportunities to come about, it makes its own luck by capitalizing on circumstances others may be afraid to explore. With a positive outlook and unwavering self-determination, this number excels at setting and going after its goals. It is an action and motivated energy. One is strong willed and able to see a door were others seed a wall. Too much one energy, or unevolved use of one energy, can play out as forceful, risky, and doubtful.

TWO - Intuitive, Unifying, and Influential

TWO in numerology is a peacemaker that is keenly aware of the values of cooperation and working together. Two is different from ONE in that even though they too hold a lot of power over situations, especially relationships, two does not push or use force with others because its incredible abilities of compassion and cooperation. Too much two energy, or unevolved use of two energy, can play out as indecisive overly sensitive, and withdrawing.

THREE - Conversationalist, Creative, and Charming

Three energy is the life of the party and the social butterfly. They love to interact with others and brainstorming with friends on any topic is enjoyable. Three energy is naturally charismatic and attracts what it needs to be a part of any group setting. Too much three energy, or unevolved use of three energy can play out as shallow, over indulgence, and scattered.

FOUR - Structured, Responsible, and Dependable

Four holds the energy of the realist who wants to be efficient and make sure everything is taken care of. If you need a job to get done efficiently and for the right reasons you can always depend on the energy of four. Too much four energy, or unevolved use of four can lead to humdrum, ridged, and anti-climatic.

FIVE -Change, Hyper aware, Adventurous

Five is adaptable and excepting when changes of all kinds is presented. They use all their senses and are hyper aware of all that is going on in the bigger scheme of things. Five energy loves to explore and be adventurous and is know to be a very curious energy. Too much five energy, or unevolved use of five can lead to unfocused, overwhelmed therefor unreliable, and undependable.

SIX - Helpful, Nurturing, and Fun

Six is the one you call when you need a hug and a little extra emotional support. Six is the energy naturally know what to do to cheer someone up and turn it into a fun time. Six loves spreading the love and will protect that which it loves with tooth and nail. Too much six energy, or unevolved use of six can be conditional, passive, and not able to say not or over giving.

SEVEN - Studious, Curious, and Analytical

Seven energy loves to research and study anything that peaks its interest. They need solitude and can easily get lost in its search for more knowledge. Seven energy is the librarian or internet frequency but seven energy is very spiritual because it is in search of higher knowledge. Too much seven energy, or unevolved use seven become paranoid or suspicious, skeptical, or secretive and reclusive.

EIGHT - Manifestor, Successful, and Patient

Eight is the successful manifestor who is self confident and determined to wait patiently knowing what it desires will come to fruition. They carry good karma because they are always ready to give back to those in need. Too much eight energy, or unevolved use of eight can play out as entitled, greedy, and materialistic.

NINE - Infinite, Evolved, and Allowing

Nice is at the end of the numbers and has the experience of all that has come before. It is evolved and understands that it will all repeat again but able to look at it from a new perspective. Nice can find the flow state and allow what is to come come and is able to have compassion for all other energies. Too much nice energy, or unevolved nice can be jaded, self pity, and resentful.

The Language of the Universe: Numerology Unveiled

Single-Digit Numbers and Master Numbers

In Numerology, everything boils down to single-digit numbers. They can show up as your Life Path number, your Soul Urge number, or Expression number, just to name a few2. Each number carries a distinct personality and meaning.

However, there are exceptions to this rule - the Master Numbers. These are 11, 22, and 33, each holding a deep and powerful meaning2. Master Number 11 is the visionary, Master Number 22 is the architect, and Master Number 33 delivers it to the world2. If one of these shows up in your chart, it means you hold that power.

Numerology Compatibility

Angel Numbers

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