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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Uncertainty: The Key to Infinite Possibilities

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of our lives, and each reader will interpret this concept through their unique lens. My intention in sharing this perspective is to highlight the true essence of uncertainty and its significance.

From the moment we enter this consciousness, we are enveloped in uncertainty. We are multidimensional, limitless beings, yet we arrive in this reality without a clear understanding of how things work or why they are the way they are. Certainty is something we constantly seek throughout our lives. But what exactly is certainty, and why do we crave it so intensely?

We often search for security in an unpredictable world, always on guard against threats to our existence. Certainty provides us with a sense of safety, allowing us to predict outcomes, trust what we see, and rely on our loved ones. It reassures us that we are either safe or not, giving us a dependable framework to navigate life.

However, it is through uncertainty that we remain open to experiencing life from countless perspectives. Uncertainty defines our limitless nature. If we were certain of everything, we would be confined to what is safe, never venturing beyond our comfort zones. Why would we leave the safety of our cozy beds to explore a dark forest unless we were certain of finding a waterfall at the end? Without certainty, we might hesitate to risk our comfort and security.

Our consciousness is a divine spark within everything. If we entered this life with complete awareness, what purpose would our existence serve? We choose to experience life at this time because of the opportunities to encounter the unknown. Through uncertainty, we embody the essence of being limitless.

With this understanding, we can embrace uncertainty and savor all that life offers, even if it isn’t always safe or predictable. Uncertainty provides us with a vibrant lens through which to experience life. It doesn’t mean we won’t find safety and security; it simply means that the next moment is always unknown. This thought can be both exciting and empowering if we choose to view uncertainty from a fresh perspective.

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Brian Gifford
Brian Gifford
Aug 29

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