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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Transform Your External Reality

By Lori Marie

Have you heard it being said that in order to heal you need to go within? Our physical body is just that, a physical body that only exists because our consciousness is utilizing it to experience consciousness from a different perspective. Everything, including the body, only exists because it is how your consciousness imagines, creates, and thinks it into reality. To go within merely means to shut out what you are projecting outside consciousness. This is literally everything you see with your eyes and have created with your thoughts. So this would include tuning out of your conditioned thoughts, and the voices of others, and listening instead to your intuition. This is what it means to go within. 

Not everyone has come to the point in their evolution of consciousness where they can grasp the concept that we create our reality and the world outside us is a literal reflection of what is going on within us. The ones who do not grasp this are more than likely in the stage of externalizing. What is happening is they see as everything happening outside them is happening to them and they feel as though the only way to heal the pain of what is happening outside them is to have control over what is happening outside them. They are externalizing and needing to manipulate and control everything instead of understanding that what they need to learn to do is go within and heal whatever it is going on inside them that is causing the drama playing outside them.

My goal in this life is to connect with others and give them the tools to go within and see that which they have hidden from themselves. I am the hardware store handing out the flashlights so you can bring your walk through the darkness. As you begin the path within there are other tools to help you unravel the challenges and work through them so you can heal. You know you are healing not only by the way you feel as you trek through the internal abyss but and it becomes gradually brighter and easier to see but you know by how life begins to change outside you and you see things from new and healthier perspectives.

If you know someone who is still at the externalizing stage of their journey of this life then merely help them by planting the seeds of change. We are all conditioned in life with horrible toxic unhealthy stuff and it was put there fairly easily! As you evolve, start helping those around you evolve too and be their flashlight! Use positive words, create art together, go on a hike, speak from more open minded perspectives, allow them to share without being judged, free them of conditional love and accept them as they are but plant seeds along the way.

The magic happens when you see that you have changed the channel in your life! The colors are brighter, the storyline is more interesting, and the entire time you can expect a happy ending because in the end everything is always ok!

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