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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

There are no endings...only new beginnings

Language is a fascinating tool that allows us to interpret the world around us, and as someone who loves to delve deep into thought, I find joy in expanding my consciousness through the wisdom of others. A few years back, I ran a blog on Blogspot titled “A Wise Soul Once Said”. One of my posts was “There are no endings…only new beginnings”. Today, I want to revisit this quote with my evolved understanding and explore the insights of spiritual leaders who also resonate with this wisdom.

The phrase “There are no endings, only new beginnings” is a powerful mantra for embracing change. Change can be daunting, and it’s easy to resist what we don’t want to happen. But if we shift our perspective and see that endings are simply the start of something new, we open ourselves up to opportunities that might not have been possible otherwise. By letting go when things are meant to end, we allow the next chapter to unfold naturally, saving ourselves from unnecessary pain and hurdles.

Reflecting on my early career, I recall a pattern of power struggles with my superiors. Despite my love for the job and the organization, my energy didn’t align with my supervisor’s. I ignored the warning signs and stayed, leading to a painful exit. However, this experience taught me to heed the signs and adapt as the universe guided me. This shift helped me climb the career ladder and step out of my comfort zone. The universe nudges us out of our comfort when growth and change are needed.

Lao Tzu once said, “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” This quote suggests that pain is a catalyst for change, pushing us towards a new beginning that aligns better with our evolving selves.

Mary Shelley’s words, “The beginning is always today,” remind us to stay present. No matter how tough yesterday was, we have the opportunity to start afresh today, hopefully with a new perspective. Buddha echoed this sentiment when he said, “No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.”

It’s empowering to see how throughout history, the same wisdom has been restated in different ways, planting seeds in our minds. These seeds grow into understanding and resilience when we face challenges or pain. We can allow ourselves to feel the pain, process it, and then pivot in a new direction, rather than continuing down a painful path to the point of exhaustion. Maya Angelou encapsulated this beautifully: “Lift up your faces, you have a piercing need, for this bright morning dawning for you, the horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.”

I’ve learned that the best way to navigate and overcome challenges is to learn from those who have walked the path before us and grown from their experiences.

History is a great teacher, helping us avoid repeating the same mistakes. So, the next time you face pain or challenges, consider these perspectives. If they don’t quite fit, dig deeper until you find the wisdom that will help you shift, grow, and embrace your fresh new beginning.

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Jul 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So true! I love this collection of quotes from some of our greatest thinkers! I have met so many ends, but there is almost always a beginning that has followed that - and if it hasn't, then the beginning is probably something I haven't realized yet or am not yet ready for! Love this!

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