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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

The Youniverse

September 27, 2024

What is the Youniverse?

The Youniverse is the reality you live in. Your soul has embodied an existence and everything you experience on this soulful journey is created in the Youniverse. The rabbit hole we could dive down in understanding your Youniverse would look very different than mine because what we begin to understand as we delve deeper is unique to your soul's experience that was planned prior to beginning the journey. If you are reading this blog post it is because something you read here will shape the next leg of your journey in some aspect and that isn’t insinuating it will be positive or negative or that you even resonate with this perspective it means you are reading it because when you planned your journey you knew this could be a pivotal trigger in what you decide to do next.

In my Youniverse the experience I am having includes you and I was guided to share my understanding of what is going on in our collective Youniverse. I share my Youniverse with the collective as you all do. Your Youniverse is unique to you alone but if you are reading this then we belong to one another's collective.The collective we are currently existing in is changing rapidly and many in my circle have been reaching out to me asking why things are so off right now. I have seen many patterns of change happening simultaneously amongst many at this time and as I shared to a close friend recently what was going on I was guided to share this knowledge with the collective.

Let’s start with a brief understanding of what reality is so you can better comprehend what I am going to explain is happening in our collective Youniverse. Reality is your experience as you observe it. It can shift and change based on where you focus your energy. You shift and change based on where you focus your energy. This is why it is vital you start to become self aware so you have a better understanding of how you have shaped your reality up until now and how you have the potential to shape it anyway you desire by becoming aware of that which you focus your energy on.

On that note, the reality your soul has chosen to experience thus far is seeing life as a sort of simulation playout in front of you. Some have heard it to be a matrix. In a sense it is because what you see play out in front of you is just energy based on your thoughts. It mirrors and projects what is going on within you and what you have believed up until now. As a collective we are experiencing a reality that has a foundation that is no longer working and crumbling before our eyes.This is happening because you are literally leveling up.

What does that mean?

Life is like a simulated video game that you planned ahead of time to play within this collective experience. You agreed that you could leave it at any time and even change the way the game is played because you have free will but you joined this particular game for a reason so that you could experience your limitlessness in the human form. 

When you begin to understand that your senses, you have so many more than 5, are your superpower in this game you will see how you chose this unique game to play. You are multidimensional beings in this game. When you look at the complexity of a video game you know you have tools, you have a world, and you can level up based on the choices you made. You can even die and come back over and over again as you learn what works and doesn’t work.

Imagine this collective reality we are living is as evolving as you are evolving. That includes everything including the planet. In this collective reality in your Youniverse the earth is ascending, or evolving. Our existence in the game is changing. We can choose to not grow and evolve and remain with the old earth. The new earth is energetically shifting to a higher frequency and in order to go along with it everything we have always known can no longer exist in the way it has existed. 

While we chose to enter this game at this exact time as the earth was evolving so we could experience it and help it along by raising our frequency too. The more we wake up to what is really happening the easier the shift becomes. The more we fight against the change the more painful the shift becomes. The ascension of earth is happening if you want to go along with it or not. You can choose to sit and experience what is happening in front of you as a horrible pain and you just want to leave or you can flow with the changes, look within to see how you have always understood things to be may not be correct at all and begin to grow and evolve. You have free will and you can do what you want. Just remember this one thing in this collective Youniverse energy flows where your attention goes. Once you can embrace this perspective you have the steering wheel on your journey through this collective reality in your Youniverse.

So I have just explained to you what is going on in your current reality that I share with you as a collective. Now I want to explain to you what is happening outside of you that we as a collective are experiencing. Again, as you shift, grow, change, and evolve this reality will play out differently in front of you because energy flows where attention goes. 

Many of you have reached out to me to share that life seems to be relentless as of late and my map in the Youniverse is astrology and my intuition. I pull out both when I start to see patterns and to help navigate what is currently transpiring. The stars are the perfect map to help us see these energetic changes that are happening to us and the earth at this time. As earth is growing and changing astrologically many of you are being shown where the planets are and what they are doing as well as when we experience things like an eclipse or retrograde planet.

Why are you hearing more and more of this? Because you are experiencing the ascension of your reality. You can choose to learn more about it or you can find a different tool that works for you but for me it's helping me see that we are going through a period where we have to deal with our anger. We are mad at how life has been shown to us for so long and angry that none of it is true. As a collective we are revolting because the system we trusted as the basis of our existence never really cared about our well being but controlling us. If we are to evolve in this game of life we have to overthrow the current evil on this planet. We are at the end of this level of the game and we have to fight to level up. So how do we win?

You don’t have to fight against the authorities unless that is what you choose. The easiest way is to learn how your inner world works to change the outer world. That is the true path of a shaman. Understanding shamanism and why they are powerful beings in this Youniverse is our key. They work by going within and changing their perspective. They heal their perspective. They imagine a new perspective and a new reality and they literally embody it. If you can teach yourself to not fear the darkness you must walk through to get the life you desire then you will literally win against the darkness that is playing out in front of us. Things may not change super quickly and that is where you need to rely on some of the simpler laws that you learn as you travel through the darkness. You learn that sometimes it is easier to float than to fight against the current. If you tire yourself out you will drown but if you relax and float you will survive until you are brought to still waters. 

You can also always depend on change. Change is the constant in this Younversal game you are playing. If things are rough change your perspective and the game will change or float until the game around you changes. It has been said “this too shall pass” because it does. Moment to moment everything can change. So start with changing you. 

Changing yourself, looking within at the darkness is the only thing you have control over. When you change the way you look at things those things change and this includes you. Start loving your darkness, allow yourself to be free of that which has always eluded you. 

I don't really have much else to add to this because I have explained what is going on and now you have the opportunity to do what you need to with the knowledge. You can store it away in your subconscious and access it later when it is more time relevant for you and bring it forward with those fun ah ha moments when you can better articulate it. Or start changing your perspective now so that as the earth is going through its ascension you are awake to experience the beauty happening right in front of you.

I love you all and remember this one last piece as you grow and change. People can only meet you at the level they have met themselves. Have patience and love for those who have not chosen to wake up as of yet. Everyone is exactly where they need to be. Shine brighter so they see your light and gradually they will choose to lighten up too <3

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