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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

The Mystical World of Archangels and Their Sigils

Updated: May 22

A Potential Path to a Universal Language

This week on Deep Thynkers Society podcast I had two back to back interviews because of a schedule change from the week before. The first guest was Stephen Ulrich and he came on talking about Symbolism and the second was Tammy Gamester who came on talking about Angels. These are two totally different topics but the interesting thing that I realized and I edited them back to back is they both brought up the archangels and their sigils. I felt like this was enough of a sign that maybe I need to dig a bit deeper and see what it was the universe was trying to say. 

When I interviewed Stephen I asked him if he could share with us what the difference between symbolism and sigils were. So let’s start off by defining what a sigil is. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a sigil is a seal or it is a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology. In our interview we go into much more depth on sigils and how the power of intention is what it takes to create one of our own. You can watch the full episode here. As I spoke with Tammy no more than an hour later she too talked about how a lot of people who work with angels forget to talk about the sigils that the archangels carry and she wanted to go back and research more so she could utilize them in her work with clients who suffer from grief. Both these conversations have me wondering what is it that these angels who are such a big part of our history and culture carrying around with them at that is so important?

The first thing I did was look up the 7 archangels. Tammy did mention in the interview that people that work with angels debate if there are 7 or 14 archangels but for this article we will look at the traditional 7. If you are interested in hearing more of Tammy’s time on the podcast you can hear it all here.

The Mystical World of Archangels and Their Sigils

In the realm of metaphysical and spiritual studies, archangels and their sigils hold a significant place. These symbols, each intricately designed with geometric shapes, lines, and script, are believed to encapsulate the spiritual essence of each archangel. They are not arbitrary designs but are thought to be revealed through divine or mystical inspiration.

The Power of Sigils

The use of these angelic symbols in spiritual practices is not a new phenomenon. Dating back to ancient times, they were used in rituals, meditative practices, and for protection. Each sigil serves as a key, unlocking deeper spiritual knowledge and establishing profound connections with these powerful beings.

Journey into the Realm of Archangels

Our exploration delves into the symbols of eight notable archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Jophiel, and Metatron. We examine their origins, the meanings behind their symbols, and uncover their roles within various spiritual practices.

Archangel Michael

Known as the Protector of all Kingdoms, Archangel Michael holds a position of considerable power, second only to God. Especially for those who engage in his invocation, his sigil, inscribed with the words “Sabaoth,” “Saday,” and “Athánatos,” holds significant meaning.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is known for delivering important messages from the divine realm to humans. He is associated with communication, creativity, and guidance.

Archangel Raphael

Often called upon to bring comfort, relief, and healing energy to those who are sick or suffering, Archangel Raphael is known as the angel of healing, both physical and emotional.

Archangel Uriel

Guiding individuals towards enlightenment and understanding, Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom and knowledge.

Archangel Chamuel

Offering comfort and solace to those in need, Archangel Chamuel is known as the angel of love and compassion.

Archangel Jophiel

Helping individuals see the beauty in themselves and the world around them, Archangel Jophiel is known as the angel of beauty and illumination.

Archangel Zadkiel

Helping individuals release resentment, guilt, and anger towards themselves and others, Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of forgiveness and mercy.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is known for his connection to the divine blueprint.

By understanding Archangel symbols and their meanings, we can learn how to harness the unique energies and attributes of each archangel. This knowledge aids in personal growth, healing, and enlightenment.

As I wrap up my post on the Archangel sigils I feel as though the universe is reminding me of the unspoken language of symbolism used through sigils and how maybe it is an ancient wisdom that needs to be revisited and used more in our lives. We all know language can be very complicated and limited but a universal language where energy and symbolism combined with clear intention were used would make communication much more efficient and in turn create a more understood and connected society on a multidimensional level. There would be no being that we could not communicate with if we began to embrace intention and energy for our form of communication. Any change that we wish to see evolve in front of us begins with ourselves. I think I will begin to incorporate more intentional energy in my art work and more mindful intention in all my forms of communication. I will be the change…how about you?

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