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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Soul Contracts: Understanding the Spiritual Agreements that Shape Our Lives

Until now we have all gone about life looking for or thinking we had found our soulmate but with what we have learned as a collective consciousness is that we have many important relationships that at times feel very fated but would not consider them a mate. So, as we have shifted and evolved from the perspective that we all have one single soulmate we now have the understanding that we instead have Soul Contracts. Soul contracts are believed to be spiritual agreements between souls that shape our lives, relationships, and personal growth. They are predestined commitments made before birth to learn certain lessons and fulfill specific life purposes. 

From my own personal life experience, studies, and conversations with others I have come to understand that before we wake up in this reality we are now experiencing we decided who we wanted to interact with, how we wanted to interact with them, and why it was important that the relationship played out the way it did. To me, this understanding is very empowering. I feel as though when I reflect on any type of past and current relationship that I have grown so much as a person because of how that relationship played out. I literally would not be who I am or where I am right now in this very moment if things had gone any other way and for this I am very grateful. The pain and challenges were not pleasant but just as valuable as the love and bonding that took place.

When looking at soul contracts from the perspective of its origin the concept of soul contracts originated from various spiritual traditions and metaphysical studies. They are seen as sacred agreements made in the spirit realm before we incarnate into physical bodies. These contracts are said to guide our life paths, relationships, and personal evolution. Soul contracts serve as a roadmap for our spiritual journey. They help us navigate life’s challenges and opportunities, fostering personal growth and spiritual evolution. They are not about punishment or karma, but rather about learning, evolving, and fulfilling our soul’s purpose.

According to the study of soul contracts there are several types of soul contracts, each serving a unique purpose in our spiritual journey. I am not sure if we really need to put them into categories or labels but as humans we tend to feel comfortable compartmentalizing things in order to grasp the concept and find patterns. Here are a few:

  • Life Lesson Contracts: These contracts involve lessons we need to learn in this lifetime, often manifesting as recurring patterns or challenges.

  • Relationship Contracts: These contracts govern the relationships we have with others, often teaching us about love, forgiveness, and boundaries.

  • Karmic Contracts: These contracts deal with resolving past karma and balancing spiritual debts.

On our path of self awareness it is important to reflect on and recognize your soul contracts which involves deep introspection, meditation, and often, the guidance of a spiritual advisor. Understanding these contracts can provide clarity about life’s challenges and help align actions with your soul’s purpose. While soul contracts are made before birth, they are not set in stone. It’s believed that we can revise or release these contracts through spiritual practices like meditation, energy healing, and intention setting.

Soul contracts are a fascinating aspect of spiritual study and connection to self, offering a framework for understanding life’s challenges and our spiritual journey. By recognizing and understanding our soul contracts, we can align more closely with our soul’s purpose and navigate life with greater ease and clarity. Once we spend time in self reflection we will not only gain greater insight into ourselves but into understanding the bigger picture that we planned out ahead of time and have compassion for both ourselves and those we choose to be a part of our souls contract.

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