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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Overcoming Hurdles - by DTS Host Anthony Erwin

It’s Thanksgiving night 2020 and the mother of my child’s water had just broken, VERY unexpectedly. Our due date was early January ‘21 and with surprises already given to us in the 5th month, an alarm was going off in my head. I didn’t know it at that moment, but any obstacle I had overcome to this point couldn’t amount to a fraction of the pain, sadness, and uncertainty that was to ensue. My son was born with multiple health issues and deformities which had him fighting to be in this world. On the other side of this hurdle is where I began to OVERstand the travesties associated with adversity and failure.

See, failures, shortcomings, tragedies, or whatever YOU like to call them, are truly hurdles placed onto your path to guide YOU to YOUR highest form of self, even be it pain. The universe is always listening and although you envision the end goal, the universe understands that a give and take is needed to achieve such an end goal. We’ve all heard 1000x over that great sacrifice is needed to achieve greatness in any realm, but do we comprehend that as an individual in our own space? When I look into my son’s eyes I can’t even begin to explain the joy and overwhelming feeling of LOVE that I get, it truly is unconditional love. However, I believe if you told somebody that they would have to endure the pain and uncertainty of being able to keep this new life they would walk away and miss the grandest experience in life. 

See if every failure, disaster, or bout of plight was welcomed as a hurdle along the marathon, you’d realize taking these on and engaging them would ultimately lead you to exactly where you want to be. We’ve been conditioned as a society to please and appease to SURVIVE when in all actuality it prevents us from entering a state where we THRIVE. Having for a LONG time been on the underside where I UNDERstood the concept, I lived in a state of survival unknowingly and hindering the realization of my true potential. Having also been around countless world-class entrepreneurs, business owners, and celebrities I can tell you the most successful ones are RUNNING into the hurdles of conflict……and with a SMILE 🙂

As mentioned, I UNDERstood this and witnessed it being demonstrated in front of me regularly but I still UNDERstood it. It was once I broke free of my chains, embraced the failures, and loved “FAILING ANTHONY” unconditionally I got closer to the truth and reality in OVERstanding these hurdles. The insight we long for, the experience we seek, and the life we envision are simply on the other side of our apprehensiveness. This topic can be shrouded in mysticism or conceptualized deeper, but it is as simple as that. Embrace the hurdles, embrace eating the frog and you’ll realize YOU were the thing standing in the way of what YOU wanted to achieve.

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