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  • Writer's pictureLori Marie

Compassion - Beyond Right and Wrong

By Lori Marie

I have written and discussed this topic many times but I feel that since the word is used so often that you can never share the true meaning of it enough. When you use the term compassion in reference to anything it’s important to know what you are stating it is you believe. 

The true meaning of compassion is to have the deep awareness of the suffering of another without the need to relieve it, feeling total appreciation for its value; a state of non-judgement.

Compassion Unveiled: A Journey Beyond Labels

In a world where the term “compassion” is tossed around casually, its true essence often remains hidden. But what does compassion really mean? Let’s explore its depths, leaving room for diverse perspectives.

The Heart of Compassion: Compassion isn’t merely about relieving suffering; it’s about understanding it deeply. Imagine standing by someone’s side, acknowledging their pain without rushing to fix it. That’s true compassion. It’s appreciating the value inherent in suffering, even when we don’t fully comprehend its purpose. Compassion doesn’t judge; it embraces the mystery.

The Energy Healer’s Perspective: As an energy healer, I take compassion to heart. When someone shares their pains, I “empathize”—feeling their discomfort. Simultaneously, I hold deep compassion for them, recognizing that their suffering serves a purpose. It isn’t about agreeing with their pain; it’s about understanding that it needed to happen. Judgment doesn’t fit here; compassion does.

Beyond Judgment: Imagine walking through life without labels or judgment. Compassion grants us that freedom. It’s not just about healing physical injuries (though that’s crucial); it’s about diving beneath the surface. Sometimes suffering mirrors our inner wounds. The universe nudges us to face our shadows, even when we’d rather ignore them.

Learning from Life’s Tapestry: Instead of judging, let’s ask: What can we learn? Every experience, whether personal or witnessed, serves a purpose. Compassion whispers, “This happened for a reason.” Even if it didn’t directly touch us, our awareness connects us to the grand tapestry of existence. Seeds of understanding are planted, waiting to bloom.

Embodying Compassion: Now that we’ve unveiled its essence, let’s live it. When you say “compassion,” remember its depth. Be mindful of its purpose. Compassion isn’t a fleeting sentiment; it’s a constant state of being—for yourself and the world.


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